Con tu cuenta puedes visualizar la información y descargar los mapas actualizados para el navegador de tu coche.

Tu correo electrónico pertenece ya a un perfil FCA. Puedes optar por acceder a Map Update utilizando el correo electrónico y la contraseña de tu cuenta FCA o bien registrarte con un nuevo correo electrónico.
Introduce tu nombre
Introduce tus apellidos
Formato no válido
Dirección de correo electrónico no válida
Correo electrónico
La contraseña debe contener como mín. 8 caracteres
Contraseña (mín. 8 caracteres)
Las contraseñas introducidas no coinciden
Confirmar contraseña

*Password must go through the following rules

  1.  Password should be at least minimum of 8 characters and maximum length of 16 Characters
  2.  It should have at least One capital letter(A-Z);
  3.  It should have at least One small letter (a-z);
  4.  It should have at least One digit (0-9);
  5.  It should have at least One of these special character @$!%?&_- *NOTE: No other special characters including spaces are permitted****
  6.  No characters can’t be repeated more than twice (for ex: aaa; ZZZ; $$$, 111 are not allowed)
  7.  No more than two sequential Characters in a row (ABC, xyz, 123 are not allowed)
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Nachdem ich die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen habe
Zu Marketingaktivitäten
Stimme zu
Stimme nicht zu
In Kontakt bleiben!
Wir möchten unsere Beziehung zu Ihnen und nur zu Ihnen pflegen!

Erhalten Sie Angebote, Aktionen, Veranstaltungen und andere coole Inhalte von unseren Marken. Lass uns in Kontakt bleiben!

Wenn Sie mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie wir in diesem Zusammenhang mit Ihren Daten umgehen, lesen Sie bitte den Abschnitt 4.c) unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Und keine Sorge! Sie können Ihre Meinung ändern und Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft direkt unter widerrufen oder ändern.
Zu Profiling-Aktivitäten
Stimme zu
Stimme nicht zu
Bessere Angebote erhalten!
Lernen wir uns kennen! Wir möchten Ihre Erfahrungen mit uns individuell gestalten, indem wir auf Ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse eingehen, auf das, was Sie mögen oder nicht mögen!

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns mitteilen würden, was Sie mögen, gerne lesen und was Sie bei uns tun, damit wir Ihnen bessere und individuellere Angebote machen können.

Wenn Sie mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie wir in diesem Zusammenhang mit Ihren Daten umgehen, lesen Sie bitte den Abschnitt 4.f) unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Und keine Sorge! Sie können Ihre Meinung ändern und Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft direkt unter widerrufen oder ändern.
Zur Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte für eigene Marketingaktivitäten
Stimme zu
Stimme nicht zu
Lernen Sie unsere Partner kennen!
Wir sind eine große Gemeinschaft, die interessante Dinge miteinander teilt! Wenn Sie unsere unglaublichen Partner kennenlernen möchten und ihnen erlauben möchten, direkt mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren, melden Sie sich an!

Wenn Sie mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie wir in diesem Zusammenhang mit Ihren Daten umgehen, lesen Sie bitte den Abschnitt 4.h) unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Und keine Sorge! Sie können Ihre Meinung ändern und Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft direkt unter widerrufen oder ändern.
Widerrufsrecht bei Einwilligungen (Art. 7 Abs. 3 DS-GVO): Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft – vollständig oder teilweise – widerrufen werden kann; die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung bleibt hiervon unberührt. Einen etwaigen Widerruf richten Sie bitte an die im Datenschutzerklärung Kontaktadresse.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Information notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Après avoir lu la politique de confidentialité
De recevoir des communications marketing
Je n’accepte pas

Que mes données personnelles soient traitées par FCA Italy S.p.A. pour les finalités de marketing reprises au point c) de la politique de confidentialité, sur support papier, par des moyens automatisés ou électroniques, y compris par courrier ou e-mail, téléphone (par exemple, via appels téléphoniques automatisés, SMS, MMS), fax et tout autre moyen (sites Web, applications mobiles, etc.).
Que mes données soient utilisées à des fins de profilage
Je n’accepte pas

Que mes données personnelles soient traitées par FCA Italy S.p.A. pour analyser mes préférences et pour recevoir des communications commerciales personnalisées, reprises au point d) de la politique de confidentialité.
Que les données soient communiquées à des tiers pour leurs opérations de marketing
Je n’accepte pas

Que mes données personnelles soient communiquées aux filiales et aux sociétés affiliées de FCA Italy S.p.A., ainsi qu'à leurs partenaires dans les secteurs de l'automobile, des finances, des assurances et des télécommunications, qui les traiteront pour les finalités de marketing reprises au point c) de la politique de confidentialité, sur support papier, par des moyens automatisés ou électroniques, y compris par courrier ou e-mail, téléphone (par exemple, via appels téléphoniques automatisés, SMS, MMS), fax et tout autre moyen (sites Web, applications mobiles, etc.).
Na de privacy kennisgeving te hebben gelezen
om marketing communicatie te krijgen
Ik geef toestemming
Ik geef geen toestemming

Voor de verwerking van mijn persoonsgegevens door FCA Italy S.p.A voor marketing doeleinden zoals uiteengezet in punt c) van de privacy kennisgeving, op papier, op geautomatiseerde of elektronische wijze, waaronder via post of e-mail, telefoon (bijvoorbeeld geautomatiseerde telefoonoproepen, SMS, MMS), fax en elk ander middel (bijvoorbeeld websites, mobiele apps).
dat mijn gegevens voor profilering gebruikt worden
Ik geef toestemming
Ik geef geen toestemming

Voor de verwerking van mijn persoonsgegevens door FCA Italy S.p.A om mijn voorkeuren te analyseren en aangepaste commerciële communicatie te ontvangen zoals uiteengezet in punt d) van de privacy kennisgeving.
dat mijn gegevens aan derden voor hun eigen marketing communicatie meegedeeld worden
Ik geef toestemming
Ik geef geen toestemming

Voor het communiceren van mijn persoonsgegevens aan dochterondernemingen en gelieerde ondernemingen van FCA Italy S.p.A evenals hun partners in de automobiel-, financiële, verzekerings- en telecommunicatiesector, die deze zullen verwerken voor de marketing doeleinden uiteengezet in punt e) van de privacy kennisgeving, op papier, op geautomatiseerde of elektronische wijze, waaronder via post of e-mail, telefoon (bijvoorbeeld geautomatiseerde telefoonoproepen, SMS, MMS), fax en elk ander middel (bijvoorbeeld websites, mobiele apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
se zpracováním pro marketingové činnosti

Se zpracováním mých osobních údajů FCA Italy S.p.A. pro marketingové účely uvedené v bodu c) oznámení o zpracování osobních údajů, v tištěné podobě, automatizovanými nebo elektronickými prostředky včetně prostřednictvím elektronické pošty, telefonu (např. automatizované telefonní hovory, SMS, MMS, fax), a jakýmikoliv jiným způsobem (např. webové stránky, mobilní aplikace).
se zpracováním pro činnosti profilování

Se zpracováním mých osobních údajů FCA Italy S.p.A. za účelem analyzování mých preferencí a získávání přizpůsobených obchodních sdělení, jak je uvedeno v bodu d) oznámení o zpracování osobních údajů.
se sdělováním osobních údajů třetím osobám pro jejich vlastní marketingové činnosti

Se sdělováním mých osobních údajů dceřiným a propojeným společnostem FCA Italy S.p.A., stejně jako jejich partnerům v automobilovém, finančním, pojišťovacím a telekomunikačním oboru, kteří je budou zpracovávat pro marketingové účely, jak je uvedeno v bodu e) oznámení o zpracování osobních údajů e), v tištěné podobě, automatizovanými nebo elektronickými prostředky včetně prostřednictvím elektronické pošty, telefonu (např. automatizované telefonní hovory, SMS, MMS, fax), a jakýmikoliv jiným způsobem (např. webové stránky, mobilní aplikace).
Efter at have gennemlæst Privatlivspolitikken
Til markedsføringsaktiviteter
Jeg giver samtykke
Jeg giver ikke samtykke

Til, at mine personlige oplysninger bliver behandlet af FCA Italy S.p.A. til brug for marketing som beskrevet i pkt. c) i privatlivspolitikken i fysisk form, ved brug af automatiserede eller elektroniske midler, herunder ved brev eller e-mail, telefon (f.eks. automatiserede telefonopkald, SMS, MMS), fax og/eller ved brug af ethvert andet middel (f.eks. hjemmesider, mobil apps).
Til profileringsaktiviteter
Jeg giver samtykke
Jeg giver ikke samtykke

Til, at mine personlige oplysninger bliver behandlet af FCA Italy S.p.A. til brug for analysering af mine præferencer og til at modtage kundetilpassede nyhedsbreve som beskrevet i pkt. d) i privatlivspolitikken.
Til kommunikation af data til tredjeparter for deres egne markedsføringsaktiviteter
Jeg giver samtykke
Jeg giver ikke samtykke

Til, at mine personlige oplysninger bliver videregivet til FCA Italy S.p.A. datterselskaber og tilknyttede selskaber samt deres partnere i automobil-, finans-, forsikrings- og telekommunikationssektorerne, som derefter vil behandle dem til brug for markedsføring som beskrevet i pkt. e) i privatlivspolitikken, i fysisk form, ved brug af automatiserede eller elektroniske midler, herunder ved brev eller e-mail, telefon (f.eks. automatiserede telefonopkald, SMS, MMS), fax og/eller ved brug af ethvert andet middel (f.eks. hjemmesider, mobil apps).
Nachdem ich die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen habe
Zu Marketingaktivitäten
stimme ich zu, dass
stimme ich nicht zu, dass
In Kontakt bleiben!
Wir möchten unsere Beziehung zu Ihnen und nur zu Ihnen pflegen!

Erhalten Sie Angebote, Aktionen, Veranstaltungen und andere coole Inhalte von unseren Marken. Lass uns in Kontakt bleiben!

Wenn Sie mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie wir in diesem Zusammenhang mit Ihren Daten umgehen, lesen Sie bitte den Abschnitt 4.c) unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Und keine Sorge! Sie können Ihre Meinung ändern und Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft direkt unter widerrufen oder ändern.
Zu Profiling-Aktivitäten
stimme ich zu, dass
stimme ich nicht zu, dass
Bessere Angebote erhalten!
Lernen wir uns kennen! Wir möchten Ihre Erfahrungen mit uns individuell gestalten, indem wir auf Ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse eingehen, auf das, was Sie mögen oder nicht mögen!

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns mitteilen würden, was Sie mögen, gerne lesen und was Sie bei uns tun, damit wir Ihnen bessere und individuellere Angebote machen können.

Wenn Sie mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie wir in diesem Zusammenhang mit Ihren Daten umgehen, lesen Sie bitte den Abschnitt 4.f) unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Und keine Sorge! Sie können Ihre Meinung ändern und Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft direkt unter widerrufen oder ändern.
Zur Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte für eigene Marketingaktivitäten
stimme ich zu, dass
stimme ich nicht zu, dass
Lernen Sie unsere Partner kennen!
Wir sind eine große Gemeinschaft, die interessante Dinge miteinander teilt! Wenn Sie unsere unglaublichen Partner kennenlernen möchten und ihnen erlauben möchten, direkt mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren, melden Sie sich an!

Wenn Sie mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie wir in diesem Zusammenhang mit Ihren Daten umgehen, lesen Sie bitte den Abschnitt 4.h) unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Und keine Sorge! Sie können Ihre Meinung ändern und Ihre einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft direkt unter widerrufen oder ändern.
Widerrufsrecht bei Einwilligungen (Art. 7 Abs. 3 DS-GVO): Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine einmal erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft – vollständig oder teilweise – widerrufen werden kann; die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung bleibt hiervon unberührt. Einen etwaigen Widerruf richten Sie bitte an die im Datenschutzerklärung Kontaktadresse.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Después de leer el Aviso de Privacidad
Para actividades de marketing
No Consiento
Manténgase en contacto
¡Nos gustaría mantener el contacto con usted!

Reciba ofertas, promociones, eventos y otros contenidos interesantes de nuestras marcas. Mantengámonos en contacto.

Si quiere saber más sobre lo que haremos con sus datos, consulte el apartado 4.c) de nuestra Política de privacidad.

No se preocupe. Podrá cambiar de opinión en cualquier momento directamente en
Para evaluación de perfiles
No Consiento
Consiga mejores ofertas
Conozcámonos mejor. Queremos personalizar su experiencia con nosotros teniendo en cuenta sus necesidades específicas, lo que le gusta y lo que no.

Nos ayudaría que compartiera con nosotros lo que le gusta, lee y hace con nosotros para que podamos ofrecerle las mejores ofertas personalizadas.

Si quiere saber más sobre lo que haremos con sus datos, consulte el apartado 4.f) de nuestra Política de privacidad.

No se preocupe. Podrá cambiar de opinión en cualquier momento directamente en
Para la comunicación a terceros para sus actividades de marketing
No Consiento
Únase a nuestros socios
Somos una gran comunidad que comparte contenidos interesantes. Si quiere conocer a nuestros increíbles socios y permitirles que se comuniquen directamente con usted, ¡inscríbase!

Si quiere saber más sobre lo que haremos con sus datos, consulte el apartado 4.h) de nuestra Política de privacidad.

No se preocupe. Podrá cambiar de opinión en cualquier momento directamente en
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
Luettuani Tietosuojaselosteen
Annan suostumukseni
En anna suostumustani
Siihen, että FCA Italy S.p.A. käsittelee henkilötietojani markkinointitarkoituksiin, josta mainitaan tietosuojaselosteen kohdassa c), fyysisessä muodossa, automaattista tai sähköistä tiedonkäsittelyä käyttäen, mukaan lukien postin tai sähköpostin, puhelimen (esim. automaattiset puhelut, tekstiviestit, multimediaviestit, faksi) välityksellä taikka muulla tavalla (esim. verkkosivut, mobiilisovellukset).
Annan suostumukseni
En anna suostumustani
Siihen, että FCA Italy S.p.A. käsittelee henkilötietojani analysoidakseen mieltymyksiäni ja räätälöidyn kaupallisen viestinnän vastaanottamiseksi, kuten tietosuojaselosteen kohdassa d) todetaan.
sille, että tietojani toimitetaan kolmansille osapuolille markkinointitoimenpiteiden toteuttamiseksi
Annan suostumukseni
En anna suostumustani
sille, että tietojani toimitetaan kolmansille osapuolille markkinointitoimenpiteiden toteuttamiseksi
Siihen, että henkilötietojani luovutetaan FCA Italy S.p.A.:n tytär- ja konserniyhtiöille sekä niiden auto-, rahoitus-, vakuutus- ja tietoliikennealalla toimiville kumppaneille, jotka käsittelevät Tietoja markkinointitarkoituksiin, kuten tietosuojaselosteen kohdassa e) todetaan, fyysisessä muodossa, automaattista tai sähköistä tiedonkäsittelyä käyttäen, mukaan lukien postin tai sähköpostin, puhelimen (esim. automaattiset puhelut, tekstiviestit, multimediaviestit, faksi) välityksellä taikka muulla tavalla (esim. verkkosivut, mobiilisovellukset).
Après avoir lu la Note d’information
Les activités de marketing
Je refuse
Restons en contact !
Entretenons nos relations et gardons le contact !

Recevez des offres promotionnelles, profitez d’évènements exclusifs et suivez toute l’actualité de nos marques.

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur ce que nous ferons de vos données ? Consultez la section 4.c) de notre politique de confidentialité.

Soyez rassuré ! Vous pourrez changer d'avis à tout moment directement via ce lien :
Les activités de profilage
Je refuse
Profitez d'une expérience sur-mesure !
Apprenons à mieux nous connaître ! Nous avons à coeur de vous faire profiter d'une experience personnalisée et adaptée à vos besoins !

Nous souhaitons pouvoir vous proposer les contenus et les offres les plus adaptées à vos intérêts, permettez-nous de comprendre ce qui vous intéresse et vous plaît lorsque vous passez du temps avec nous !

Vous voulez savoir ce que nous ferons de vos données ? Consultez la section 4.f) de notre politique de confidentialité.

Soyez rassuré ! Vous pourrez changer d'avis à tout moment directement via ce lien :
la communication de mes Données à des tiers pour leurs activités de marketing
Je refuse
Rejoignez nos partenaires !
Vous souhaitez bénéficier des offres et des avantages exclusifs de nos partenaires de confiance et leur permettre de communiquer avec vous directement ?!

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur ce que nous ferons de vos données ? Consultez la section 4.h) de notre politique de confidentialité.

Soyez rassuré ! Vous pourrez changer d'avis à tout moment directement via ce lien :
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Αφού διάβασα την Ενημέρωση για τα Προσωπικά Δεδομένα
Για δραστηριότητες μάρκετινγκ
Δεν συναινώ
Για δραστηριότητες μάρκετινγκ
Στην επεξεργασία των προσωπικών μου δεδομένων από την FCA Italy S.p.A. για τους σκοπούς μάρκετινγκ που ορίζονται στο σημείο (γ) της Ενημέρωσης για τα Προσωπικά Δεδομένα, σε έντυπη μορφή, με αυτοματοποιημένα ή ηλεκτρονικά μέσα συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ταχυδρομείου ή του ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, του τηλεφώνου (π.χ. αυτοματοποιημένες τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις, SMS, MMS, φαξ) και με κάθε άλλο μέσο (π.χ. διαδικτυακοί ιστότοποι, εφαρμογές κινητής τηλεφωνίας).
Για δραστηριότητες δημιουργίας προφίλ
Δεν συναινώ
Για δραστηριότητες δημιουργίας προφίλ
Στην επεξεργασία των προσωπικών μου δεδομένων από την FCA Italy S.p.A. για την ανάλυση των προτιμήσεών μου και για να λαμβάνω προσαρμοσμένες εμπορικές επικοινωνίες, όπως ορίζεται στο σημείο (δ) της Ενημέρωσης για τα Προσωπικά Δεδομένα.
Για την γνωστοποίηση σε τρίτους για δικές τους δραστηριότητες μάρκετινγκ
Δεν συναινώ
Για την γνωστοποίηση σε τρίτους για δικές τους δραστηριότητες μάρκετινγκ
Στην επικοινωνία των προσωπικών μου δεδομένων σε θυγατρικές και συνδεδεμένες εταιρείες με την FCA Italy S.p.A., καθώς και στους εταίρους τους στους τομείς της αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας, της οικονομίας, της ασφάλισης και των τηλεπικοινωνιών, που θα τα επεξεργάζονται για σκοπούς μάρκετινγκ, όπως ορίζεται στο σημείο (ε) της Ενημέρωση για τα Προσωπικά Δεδομένα, σε έντυπη μορφή, με αυτοματοποιημένα ή ηλεκτρονικά μέσα συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ταχυδρομείου ή του ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, του τηλεφώνου (π.χ. αυτοματοποιημένες τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις, SMS, MMS, φαξ) και με κάθε άλλο μέσο (π.χ. διαδικτυακοί ιστότοποι, εφαρμογές κινητής τηλεφωνίας).
Az Adatkezelési Tájékoztató elolvasása után
marketing tevékenységekhez
Nem járulok hozzá

ahhoz, hogy személyes adataimat az FCA Italy S.p.A. az Adatkezelési Tájékoztató c) pontjában rögzített marketing célokból kezelje, papír alapon, automatizált vagy elektronikus úton ideértve a postai vagy emailes, telefonos (pl.: automata telefonhívások, SMS, MMS), fax alapú vagy bármilyen más utat. (pl.: weboldalak, mobil applikációk).
profilozási tevékenységekhez
Nem járulok hozzá

ahhoz, hogy személyes adataimat az FCA Italy S.p.A. a preferenciáim elemzése és személyre szabott kereskedelmi kommunikáció küldése céljából kezelje, ahogyan az az Adatkezelési Tájékoztató d) pontjában rögzítésre került.
az adatok harmadik személyek részére történő továbbításához, a harmadik személy saját
Nem járulok hozzá

ahhoz, hogy személyes adataimat az FCA Italy S.p.A. leányvállalatai illetve kapcsolt vállalkozásai, gépjárműgyártási, pénzügyi, biztosítási és telekommunikációs szektorokban lévő partnerei részére továbbítsa, azon célból, hogy ezek saját marketing tevékenységek kapcsán kezeljék, ahogyan az az adatkezelési tájékoztató e) pontjában rögzítésre került, papír alapon, automatizált vagy elektronikus úton ideértve a postai vagy emailes, telefonos (pl.: automata telefonhívások, SMS, MMS), fax alapú vagy bármilyen más utat. (pl.: weboldalak, mobil applikációk).
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
By clicking ‘I consent’, you are confirming that you have read the Privacy notice and that you agree to let FCA Italy S.p.A process your personal data to:
To marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

Send you relevant marketing information and carry out market research about our products and services so that you don’t miss out on current offers. We normally contact our customers by automated or electronic means including e-mail, phone (e.g. SMS, MMS, fax). We sometimes use other means such as web sites, mobile apps, post or automated calls.
To profiling activities
I consent
I do not consent

Analyse your personal preferences, interests or behaviours so that we can send you customised communications that we think you might like.
To the communication of the Data to third parties for their own marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

Share your data with companies in our group and selected partners with whom we work closely so that they can send you relevant offers which might interest you. This could include partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors. We normally contact our customers by automated or electronic means including e-mail, phone (e.g. SMS, MMS, fax). We sometimes use other means such as web sites, mobile apps, post or automated calls.
Don’t worry, if you change your mind, you can opt out to any of the above at any time by exercising your rights stated in the Privacy Notice.
Letta l' informativa privacy
Alle attività di marketing
Non Acconsento
Restiamo in contatto!
Ci piace mantenere il nostro rapporto con te e solo con te!

Ricevi offerte, promozioni, eventi e altri contenuti interessanti dai nostri marchi.

Restiamo in contatto! Se vuoi saperne di più su cosa faremo con i tuoi Dati, consulta la sezione 4.c) della nostra Privacy Policy.

E non preoccuparti! Potrai cambiare idea in qualsiasi momento direttamente su
Alle attività di profilazione
Non Acconsento
Ottieni offerte migliori!
Conosciamoci meglio! Vogliamo personalizzare la tua esperienza con noi prendendo nota delle tue esigenze specifiche, di ciò che ti piace o non ti piace!

Saremo lieti se ci permetterai di capire cosa ti piace, cosa leggi e cosa fai con noi, in modo da poterti offrire offerte migliori e personalizzate.

Se vuoi saperne di più su cosa faremo con i tuoi Dati, consulta la sezione 4.f) della nostra Privacy Policy.

E non preoccuparti! Potrai cambiare idea in qualsiasi momento direttamente su
Alla comunicazione a terzi per fini di marketing
Non Acconsento
Unisciti ai nostri Partners!
Siamo una grande comunità che condivide cose interessanti insieme! Se vuoi conoscere i nostri incredibili Partner e permettere loro di comunicare direttamente con te, fornisci il tuo consenso!

Se vuoi saperne di più su cosa faremo con i tuoi Dati, consulta la sezione 4.h) nella nostra Privacy Policy.

E non preoccuparti! Potrai cambiare idea in qualsiasi momento direttamente su
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Après avoir lu la politique de confidentialité
De recevoir des communications marketing
Je n’accepte pas

Que mes données personnelles soient traitées par FCA Italy S.p.A. pour les finalités de marketing reprises au point c) de la politique de confidentialité, sur support papier, par des moyens automatisés ou électroniques, y compris par courrier ou e-mail, téléphone (par exemple, via appels téléphoniques automatisés, SMS, MMS), fax et tout autre moyen (sites Web, applications mobiles, etc.).
Que mes données soient utilisées à des fins de profilage
Je n’accepte pas

Que mes données personnelles soient traitées par FCA Italy S.p.A. pour analyser mes préférences et pour recevoir des communications commerciales personnalisées, reprises au point d) de la politique de confidentialité.
Que les données soient communiquées à des tiers pour leurs opérations de marketing
Je n’accepte pas

Que mes données personnelles soient communiquées aux filiales et aux sociétés affiliées de FCA Italy S.p.A., ainsi qu'à leurs partenaires dans les secteurs de l'automobile, des finances, des assurances et des télécommunications, qui les traiteront pour les finalités de marketing reprises au point c) de la politique de confidentialité, sur support papier, par des moyens automatisés ou électroniques, y compris par courrier ou e-mail, téléphone (par exemple, via appels téléphoniques automatisés, SMS, MMS), fax et tout autre moyen (sites Web, applications mobiles, etc.).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
J’ai lu la Note d’information relative au traitement de données à caractère personnel, et
les activités de marketing.
Je refuse

J’autorise que mes données à caractère personnel fassent l’objet d’un traitement par Fiat Groupe Automobile Maroc à des fins commerciales et promotionnelles telles que décrites au point b) en utilisant les moyens de traitement mentionnés dans la Note d’information, sous format papier, automatisé ou électronique, et notamment par courrier postal ou courrier électronique, par téléphone (y compris par automates d’appel, SMS, MMS, etc.), par télécopie et par tout autre moyen électronique (par exemple : sites web ou applications mobiles).
les activités de profilage
Je refuse

J’autorise que mes données à caractère personnel fassent l’objet d’un traitement par Fiat Groupe Automobile Maroc à des fins de profilage telles que décrites au point c), en matière de comportement et de tendances de consommation, d’habitudes de conduite, d’utilisation de sites Web, sans cette liste soit exhaustive
la communication à des tiers pour des activités de marketing
Je refuse

J’autorise que mes données à caractère personnel soient communiquées à des tiers liés ou associés à Fiat Groupe Automobile Maroc , ainsi qu’à leurs Partenaires, et fassent l’objet d’un traitement à des fins commerciales et promotionnelles telles que décrites au point d) en utilisant les moyens de traitement mentionnés dans la Note d’information, sous format papier, automatisé ou électronique, et notamment par courrier postal ou courrier électronique, par téléphone (y compris par automates d’appel, SMS, MMS, etc.), par télécopie et par tout autre moyen électronique (par exemple : sites web ou applications mobiles).
les transferts en dehors de l’UE.
J’autorise que mes données à caractère personnel fassent l’objet d’un traitement par Fiat Groupe Automobile Maroc et/ou d’autres entités, agissant pour le compte de Fiat Groupe Automobile Maroc, établies dans des États membres de l’UE ou dans des pays hors de l’UE dans les limites prescrites par la loi, et ce dans le respect d’obligations contractuelles spécifiques
En cliquant sur le bouton ENVOYER, je confirme ma demande pour le Service indiqué au point a) de la Note d’information, et accepte que mes données à caractère personnel soient traitées pour les besoins du Service par les moyens de traitement mentionnés dans la Note d’information.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Na het lezen van de Privacyverklaring
Voor Marketing activiteiten
Geef ik toestemming
Geef ik geen toestemming
Voor Marketing activiteiten
Voor het verwerken van mijn persoonsgegevens door FCA Italy S.p.A. voor marketingdoeleinden overeenkomstig punt c) van deze privacyverklaring, in hardcopy, door automatische of elektronische middelen inclusief via post of e-mail, telefoon (bijv. geautomatiseerde telefoongesprekken, SMS, MMS), fax en iedere andere manier (bijv. websites, mobiele apps).
Voor Profiling activiteiten
Geef ik toestemming
Geef ik geen toestemming
Voor Profiling activiteiten
Voor het verwerken van mijn persoonsgegevens door FCA Italy S.p.A. voor het analyseren van mijn voorkeuren en het ontvangen van aangepaste commerciële communicatie, overeenkomstig punt d) van deze privacyverklaring.
Voor het delen van mijn persoonlijke gegevens met derde partijen voor marketing en promotionele activiteiten
Geef ik toestemming
Geef ik geen toestemming
Voor het delen van mijn persoonlijke gegevens met derde partijen voor marketing en promotionele activiteiten
Voor het verstrekken van mijn persoonsgegevens aan dochterondernemingen en aangesloten ondernemingen van FCA Ital S.p.A., als ook aan hun partners in de automotive, financiële, verzekerings- and telecommunicatiesector, die deze gegevens zullen verwerken voor marketing doeleinden overeenkomstig punt e) van deze privacyverklaring, in hardcopy, door automatische of elektronische middelen inclusief via post of e-mail, telefoon (bijv. geautomatiseerde telefoongesprekken, SMS, MMS), fax en iedere andere manier (bijv. websites, mobiele apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Etter å ha lest personvernerklæringen
Til markedsføringsaktiviteter
Gir jeg mitt samtykke
Gir jeg ikke mitt samtykke

Til at personopplysningene mine blir behandlet av FCA Italy S.p.A. for markedsføringsformål som nevnt i punkt c) i personvernerklæringen, i fysisk form (på papirkopi), ved hjelp av automatiserte eller elektroniske midler, inkludert via post, e-post, telefon (for eksempel automatiserte telefonsamtaler, SMS, MMS), faks eller andre midler (for eksempel via internettsider, mobilapplikasjoner).
Til profileringsaktiviteter
Gir jeg mitt samtykke
Gir jeg ikke mitt samtykke

Til at personopplysningene mine blir behandlet av FCA Italy S.p.A. for å analysere mine preferanser og motta tilpasset kommersiell kommunikasjon, som angitt i punkt d) i personvernerklæringen.
Til at personopplysningene kan utleveres til tredjeparter med henblikk på markedsføringsaktiviteter.
Gir jeg mitt samtykke
Gir jeg ikke mitt samtykke

Til at personopplysningene mine overføres til FCA Italy S.p.A. datterselskaper og tilknyttede selskaper, samt deres partnere i bil-, finans-, forsikring- og telekommunikasjonssektoren, som vil behandle disse for markedsføringsformål som nevnt i punkt e) i personvernerklæringen, i fysisk form (på papirkopi), ved hjelp av automatiserte eller elektroniske midler, inkludert via post, e-post, telefon (for eksempel automatiserte telefonsamtaler, SMS, MMS), faks eller andre midler (for eksempel internettsider, mobilapplikasjoner).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Zapoznawszy się z Informacją o polityce prywatności
na działania marketingowe
Wyrażam zgodę
Nie wyrażam zgody

na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez spółkę FCA Italy S.p.A. w celach marketingowych wskazanych w punkcie c) Informacji o polityce prywatności w formie papierowej, elektronicznej lub w sposób zautomatyzowany, między innymi za pośrednictwem tradycyjnej poczty, poczty elektronicznej bądź telefonicznie (np. poprzez automatyczne połączenia telefoniczne, wiadomości SMS, MMS), faksem bądź w inny sposób (np. strony internetowe, aplikacje mobilne).
na działania związane z profilowaniem
Wyrażam zgodę
Nie wyrażam zgody

na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez spółkę FCA Italy S.p.A. w celu analizowania moich preferencji i przesyłania mi odpowiednio dostosowanych informacji handlowych zgodnie z punktem d) Informacji o polityce prywatności.
na udostępnienie danych osobowych do podmiotów współpracujących na potrzeby ich własnych działań marketingowych
Wyrażam zgodę
Nie wyrażam zgody

na przekazywanie moich danych osobowych spółkom zależnym spółki FCA Italy S.p.A. i podmiotom z nią powiązanym (a także ich partnerom w sektorze motoryzacyjnym, finansowym, ubezpieczeniowym i telekomunikacyjnym), które będą przetwarzać dane w celach marketingowych (wskazanych w punkcie e) Informacji o polityce prywatności) w formie papierowej, elektronicznej lub w sposób zautomatyzowany, między innymi za pośrednictwem tradycyjnej poczty, poczty elektronicznej bądź telefonicznie (np. poprzez automatyczne połączenia telefoniczne, wiadomości SMS, MMS), faksem bądź w inny sposób (np. strony internetowe, aplikacje mobilne).
Para atividades de marketing
Não autorizo

Que os meus dados pessoais sejam processados por FCA Italy S.p.A. para efeitos de marketing constantes da alínea c) da Informação acima, através de impressão em papel, em formato telemático ou electrónico, incluindo via mail ou e-mail (por exemplo, chamadas telefónicas automatizadas, SMS, MMS), fax e qualquer outro canal electrónico (vg., sítios web, aplicações móveis).
Para avaliação de perfil
Não autorizo

Que os meus dados pessoais sejam processados por FCA Italy S.p.A. para efeitos analisar as minhas preferências e receber comunicações comerciais personalizadas, como consta da alínea d) da Informação acima.
Para a comunicação a terceiros para as suas atividades de marketing
Não autorizo

Que os meus dados pessoais sejam transmitidos por FCA Italy S.p.A. a subsidiárias e filiais, e a seus sócios dos sectores automóvel, financeiro, segurador e de telecomunicações, que os processarão para efeitos de marketing como consta da alínea e) da Informação acima, através de impressão em papel, em formato telemático ou electrónico, incluindo via mail ou e-mail (por exemplo, chamadas telefónicas automatizadas, SMS, MMS), fax e qualquer outro canal electrónico (vg., sítios web, aplicações móveis).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
SAGLASNOST U SKLADU SA Zakonom o zaštiti podataka (’’Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 97/2008, 104/2009 – drugi zakoni, 68/2012 – Odluke Ustavnog suda i 107/2012)
Nakon čitanja Informativnog obaveštenja o obradi ličnih podataka,
Za marketinske aktivnosti.
Saglasan sam
Nisam saglasan

Ovlašćenje da obradu mojih ličnih podataka vrši FCA SRBIJA d.o.o. u marketinške i promotivne svrhe navedene u tački b) korišćenjem metoda obrade pomenutih u Informativnom obaveštenju, u papirnom, automatizovanom ili elektronskom formatu, a naročito podataka razmenjenih putem pošte, elektronske pošte ili telefona (uključujući automatske telefonske pozive, SMS i MMS poruke, itd.), telefaksa ili bilo kog drugog kanala elektronske komunikacije (npr. veb sajtova, mobilnih aplikacija).
Za aktivnosti profilisanja
Saglasan sam
Nisam saglasan

Ovlašćenje da obradu mojih ličnih podataka vrši FCA SRBIJA d.o.o. u svrhe profilisanja navedenog u tački c), koje se tiče - uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na - ponašanje i sklonost potrošnji, vozne navike, korišćenje veb sajtova.
Za komunikaciju ka trecim licima za potrebe marketinških aktivnosti
Saglasan sam
Nisam saglasan

Ovlašćenje da se obrada mojih ličnih podataka prenetih trećim licima u vezi sa FCA SRBIJA d.o.o. , kao i njihovim Partnerima, vrši u marketinške i promotivne svrhe navedene u tački d) korišćenjem metoda obrade pomenutih u Informativnom obaveštenju, u papirnom, automatizovanom ili elektronskom formatu, a naročito podataka razmenjenih putem pošte, elektronske pošte ili telefona (uključujući automatske telefonske pozive, SMS i MMS poruke, itd.), telefaksa ili bilo kog drugog kanala elektronske komunikacije (npr. veb sajtova, mobilnih aplikacija).
Za prenos van EU
Da obradu mojih ličnih podataka vrši FCA SRBIJA d.o.o. i/ili druga lica, koja deluju u korist FCA SRBIJA d.o.o. u okviru specifičnih ugovornih obaveza koje imaju države članice EU ili države koje nisu članice EU, uz zakonska ograničenja.
Klikom na dugme REGISTER, potvrdjujem moj zahtev za Uslugu navedenu u tački a) u Informativnom obaveštenju i dajem saglasnost za obradu mojih ličnih podataka u cilju Usluge korišćenjem metoda obrade pomenutih u Informativnom obaveštenju.
pre účely marketingových aktivít

aby boli spracúvané moje osobné údaje, ktoré spracúva spoločnosť FCA Italy S.p.A na marketingové účely uvedené v bode c) Oznámenia o ochrane osobných údajov, v tlačenej forme, automatizovanými alebo elektronickými prostriedkami, vrátane pošty, e-mailu, alebo telefonicky (napr. automatizované telefonické hovory, SMS, MMS, fax) a akýmkoľvek iným spôsobom (napr. webové stránky, mobilné aplikácie).
pre účely profilovania

aby boli spracúvané moje osobné údaje, ktoré spracúva spoločnosť FCA Italy S.p.A., na účely analyzovania mojich preferencií a získania prispôsobených komerčných oznámení, ako je uvedené v bode d) Oznámenia o ochrane osobných údajov.
na poskytnutie Údajov tretím stranám pre účely ich vlastných marketingových aktivít.

aby moje osobné údaje boli oznámené dcérskym spoločnostiam a pobočkám spoločnosti FCA Italy S.p.A a ich partnerom v automobilovom, finančnom, poisťovacom a telekomunikačnom sektore, ktoré ich budú spracúvať na marketingové účely, ako je uvedené v bode e) Oznámenia o ochrane osobných údajov, v tlačenej podobe, automatizovanými alebo elektronickými prostriedkami vrátane pošty, e-mailu, alebo telefonicky (napr. automatizovanými telefónnymi hovormi, SMS, MMS, faxom) a akýmkoľvek iným prostriedkom (napr.: webovými stránkami, mobilnými aplikáciami).
After reading the Privacy notice
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for marketing purposes stated in point c) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. to analyze my preferences and receive customized commercial communications, as stated in point d) of the privacy notice.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

To my personal data being communicated to FCA Italy S.p.A. subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their partners in the automotive, financial, insurance and telecommunication sectors, that will process them for marketing purposes as stated in point e) of the privacy notice, in hardcopy, by automated or electronic means including via mail or e-mail, phone (e.g. automated phone calls, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other mean (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
After reading the Information notice on the data processing of personal data,
To marketing activities.
I consent
I do not consent

Authorization to personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for the marketing and promotional purposes stated in point b) using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, in hardcopy, automated or electronic format and, in particular, via post or electronic mail and telephone (including automated telephone calls, SMS, MMS etc.), telefax and any other electronic channel (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
To profiling activities.
I consent
I do not consent

Authorization to personal data being processed by FCA Italy S.p.A. for the profiling purposes stated in point c), concerning - by way of example and not exhaustive – behaviour and propensity to consume, driving habits, use of websites.
To the communication to third parties for marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent

Authorization to personal data being communicated to third parties connected and linked to FCA Italy S.p.A., as well as their Partners, to be processed for the marketing and promotional purposes stated in letter d) using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, in hardcopy, automated or electronic format and, in particular, via post or electronic mail and telephone (including automated telephone calls, SMS, MMS etc.), telefax and any other electronic channel (e.g. web sites, mobile apps).
By clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my request for the Service stated in point a) in the Information notice and my consent to having my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
Efter att ha läst Personuppgiftspolicyn
Jag samtycker
Jag samtycker inte

Till att FCA Italy S.p.A. behandlar mina Personuppgifter för sådant Marknadsföringsändamål såsom finns beskrivet i punkten c) i denna personuppgiftspolicy, i papperskopia samt via automatiserad och elektronisk form genom post eller e-post, telefon (t.ex. automatiserade telefonsamtal, SMS, MMS, fax) eller genom ett annat medel (t.ex. hemsidor, mobila applikationer).
Jag samtycker
Jag samtycker inte

Till att FCA Italy S.p.A. behandlar mina Personuppgifter för att analysera mina beteenden samt för att ta emot marknadsföring såsom finns beskrivet i punkten d) i denna personuppgiftpolicy.
överföring till tredje part för marknadsföringsaktiviteter
Jag samtycker
Jag samtycker inte

Till att FCA Italy S.p.A. delar mina Personuppgifter med sina dotter- och koncernbolag, samt med deras samarbetspartners inom bil-, finans-, försäkrings- och telekommunikationssektorn som kommer behandla dem för Marknadsföring av tredje part såsom finns beskrivet i punkten e) i denna personuppgiftspolicy, i papperskopia, via automatiserad och elektronisk form genom post eller e-post, telefon (t.ex. automatiserade telefonsamtal, SMS, MMS, fax) eller genom ett annat medel (t.ex. hemsidor, mobila applikationer).

Letta l’ Informativa privacy
Alle attività di marketing
Non accetto

al trattamento dei miei dati personali da parte di FCA Italy S.p.A. per le finalità di marketing di cui al punto c) dell’informativa, con modalità cartacee, automatizzate o elettroniche e, in particolare, a mezzo posta ordinaria o email, telefono (es. chiamate automatizzate, SMS, MMS), fax e qualsiasi altro canale informatico (es. siti web, mobile app).
Alle attività di profilazione
Non accetto

al trattamento dei miei dati personali da parte di FCA Italy S.p.A. per analizzare le mie preferenze e ricevere comunicazioni commerciali personalizzate, di cui al punto d) dell’informativa.
Alla comunicazione dei dati a terzi per loro attività di marketing
Non accetto

alla comunicazione dei miei dati personali a società connesse o collegate a FCA Italy S.p.A., nonché a società partner della stessa appartenenti ai settori automobilistico, finanziario, assicurativo e delle telecomunicazioni, che li potranno trattare per le finalità di marketing di cui al punto e) dell’informativa, con modalità cartacee, automatizzate o elettroniche e, in particolare, a mezzo posta ordinaria o email, telefono (es. chiamate automatizzate, SMS, MMS), fax e qualsiasi altro canale informatico (es. siti web, mobile app).
Après avoir lu la Note d’information
De recevoir des communications marketing
Je refuse

que mes données à caractère personnel fassent l’objet d’un traitement par FCA Italy S.p.A. à des fins de marketing telles que décrites au point c) de la note d’information, sous format papier, automatisé ou électronique, et notamment par courrier postal ou électronique, par téléphone (par exemple : automates d’appel, SMS, MMS), par télécopie et par tout autre moyen (par exemple : sites web, applications mobiles).
Que mes données soient utilisées à des fins de profilage
Je refuse

que mes données à caractère personnel fassent l’objet d’un traitement par FCA Italy S.p.A. pour analyser mes préférences et recevoir des communications commerciales personnalisées, comme indiqué au point d) de la note d’information.
Que les données soient communiquées à des tiers pour leurs opérations de marketing
Je refuse

que mes données à caractère personnel soient communiquées aux filiales et sociétés affiliées de FCA Italy S.p.A. ainsi qu’à leurs partenaires dans les secteurs automobile, financier, assurance et télécommunications, lesquels les traiteront à des fins de marketing comme indiqué au point e) de la note d’information, sous format papier, automatisé ou électronique, et notamment par courrier postal ou électronique, par téléphone (par exemple : automates d’appel, SMS, MMS), par télécopie et par tout autre moyen (par exemple : sites web, applications mobiles).
Nach dem Lesen des Datenschutzhinweises
Zu Marketingaktivitäten
Ich stimme zu
Ich stimme nicht zu

Zu meinen persönlichen Daten, die von FCA Italy S.p.A. zu Marketingzwecken gemäß Punkt c) des Datenschutzhinweises verarbeitet werden, in Papierform, auf automatisiertem oder elektronischem Wege, einschließlich per Post oder E-Mail, Telefon (z.B. automatisierte Telefonate, SMS, MMS, Fax) und auf anderem Wege (z.B. Websites, mobile Apps).
Zu Profiling-Aktivitäten
Ich stimme zu
Ich stimme nicht zu

Zu meinen persönlichen Daten, die von FCA Italy S.p.A. verarbeitet werden, um meine Präferenzen zu analysieren und maßgeschneiderte kommerzielle Mitteilungen zu erhalten, wie unter Punkt d) des Datenschutzhinweises angegeben.
Zur Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte für eigene Marketingaktivitäten
Ich stimme zu
Ich stimme nicht zu

Meine personenbezogenen Daten werden an die Tochtergesellschaften und verbundenen Unternehmen der FCA Italy S.p.A. sowie deren Partner im Automobil-, Finanz-, Versicherungs- und Telekommunikationssektor übermittelt, die sie zu Marketingzwecken gemäß Punkt e) des Datenschutzhinweises in Papierform, auf automatisiertem oder elektronischem Wege, einschließlich per Post oder E-Mail, Telefon (z.B. Automatisierte Telefonate, SMS, MMS, Fax) und alle anderen Mittel (z.B. Webseiten, mobile Apps) verarbeiten.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
By clicking ‘I consent’, you are confirming that you have read the Privacy notice and that you agree to let FCA Italy S.p.A process your personal data:
To marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent
Stay in touch !
We like to maintain our relationship with you and only you !

Get offers, promotions, events and other cool content from our brands. Let’s stay in touch !

If you want to know more about what we will do with your data, please look on the section 4.c) to our Privacy policy.

And no worries ! You’ll be able to change your mind at any time directly at
To profiling activities
I consent
I do not consent
Get better deals !
Let’s get to know each other ! We want to tailor your experience with us by taking note of your specific needs, what you like or don’t like !

We would be delighted if you allow us to understand what you enjoy, read and do with us so that we can offer you better and personalised deals.

If you want to know more about what we will do with your data please look on the section 4.f) in our Privacy policy.

And no worries ! You’ll be able to change your mind at any time directly at
To the communication of the Data to third parties for their own marketing activities
I consent
I do not consent
Join our partners !
We are a big community that shares interesting things together ! If you would like to meet our incredible partners and allow them to communicate directly with you, opt-in !

If you want to know more about what we will do with your data please look on the section 4.h) in our Privacy policy.

And no worries ! You’ll be able to change your mind at any time directly at
Don’t worry, if you change your mind, you can opt out to any of the above at any time by exercising your rights stated in the Privacy Notice.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.
After reading the privacy notice by clicking on the REGISTER button, I confirm my personal data being processed for the purposes of the Service using the processing methods mentioned in the Information notice, including possible processing in EU Member States or in countries outside the EU.